
Ages 4-19 in peer teams. Sat. mornings at 10:15am and Tues. Nights at 6:30pm

 League bowling is a great way to improve your game, while making new friends.
 All Leagues Start 1st week after Labour Day in September.

1:00pm-Casual Seniors

7:15pm-Mens *


1:00pm- Senior Mixed League and Senior  Ladies only



1:00pm-Ladies – No Tap

4:30pm – Special Olympics Ontario -Recreational -(2 games )

7:00pm Mixed and NoTap League


4:30pm – Special Olympics Ontario-Competetive (3 games)

7:00pm Mixed*

Friday 12:30pm- Mixed 55+
Saturday 10:15 – Youth Bowl Canada – ages 3-19
Sunday  Mixed League 6:30pm

All leagues have: Christmas Turkey Roll, Year End Dinner with Prizes for achievements

*Member of the Central Ontario 5 Pin Bowlers Association & Entrance into C5 High/Low Tournament